Court Refuses to Dismiss Claims Against NYSE’s Thain

A New York state trial judge has denied a motion to dismiss fraud and breach of fiduciary duty claims against the New York Stock Exchange’s CEO, John Thain, the New York Law Journal reported this morning. The claims against Thain arise out of the Big Board’s merger with Archipelago Holdings in 2005, and its related…

Philadelphia Lawyer Faces Additional Charges

Philadelphia lawyer Larry Charles, about whom I posted previously when he was found naked with a 14v year old girl in a room in the Criminal Justice Center, faces charges for assaulting 5 other women, the Inquirer reported this morning. Mr. Charles was found in a Bucks County motel, apparently having suffered a drug overdose.

Nifong’s Non-Apology

Durham County District Attorney Mike Nifong today issued what in his mind passes for an apology to the three Duke University lacrosse players who he had indicted, and planned to prosecute based upon the lies of Crystal Mangum, and whose lives he tried so hard to destroy. Nifong, of course, couches his not so mea…

The Duke University Administration and Faculty Have a Lot of ‘Splainin to Do

By now, if you are reading this post, you know that all of the charges against the three Duke University Lacrosse players indicted for rape and other alleged misdeeds have been dismissed, and that none other than the Attorney General of the State of North Carolina have pronounced the Duke Three innocent. The legal case…

“Girls Gone Wild” Mastermind Indicted on Federal Tax Charges

Taking a break from the Duke Lacrosse Hoax, the Smoking Gun reports that Joe Francis, the brains behind the “Girls Gone Wild” franchise, has been indicted on federal tax evasion charges. This on the heels of Francis’s arrest and detention on a federal civil contempt rap. Not a good week for Mr. Francis. It is…

Text of North Carolina AG’s Statement

Pasted below is the full text of the North Carolina Attorney General’s statement today dismissing all charges against the Duke Three (courtesy of KC Johnson’s LieStoppers blog): Good afternoon, everyone. On Jan. 13 of this year, I accepted the request of the Durham district attorney to take over three Durham cases. At the time, I…

“What office do I go to to get my reputation back?”

The title of this post is drawn from a quote from former Secretary of Labor Raymond Donovan who, after enduring a nine month long trial on corruption charges, was acquitted. The title quote was Donovan’s response to a question about whether he was happy with the verdict. The three Duke Lacrosse players who were falsely…

Duke Case Over

ABC News is now reporting that the North Carolina Attorney General’s office will drop all charges in the Duke Lacrosse case. This outcome has been a long time coming, but a welcome conclusion nonetheless. Mr. Nifong must now be fully held to account.

Duke Case to be Dropped?

ABC News is reporting on its website that the North Carolina Attorney General’s office could announce as early as tomorrow whether it will drop charges against the Duke Three, or whether it will proceed with the case. Given the major problems with the case that Mike Nifong tried to manufacture (and I choose that word…

Feds Move to Disqualify Fumo Lawyers

The Philadelphia Inquirer reported earlier this week that federal prosecutors have filed a motion asking US District Court Judge William Yohn to disqualify Vince Fumo’s defense lawyers. Fumo is represented by the legendary Dick Sprague and other lawyers from his firm, Sprague & Sprague. I’ve not yet had an opportunity to read the motion papers,…