Category Archives: Duke rape case

What Next in the Duke Rape Case

Andrew Cohen has a short discussion of what is likely to happen next in the Duke rape case in today’s Washington Post. What ought to be next is a dismissal of all remaining charges.

ESPN’s Report on the Duke Rape Case has this report on today’s developments in the Duke case. To my mind, one of the more entertaining elements of this story – and I have seen it reported elsewhere – is the bit about the sign on Nifong’s office door pleading “No media, please!” Wonder why. UPDATE: If you are interested in this…

Does the Duke Rape Case Prosecutor Have an Ace in the Hole?

Many have speculated over the past months that the only plausible explanation – aside from pig headedness or abject stupidity – as to why Durham County District Attorney Mike Nifong continued to pursue the case against the Duke Three notwithstanding the alomst daily disasters that befall his case was that he must have some kind…

Duke’s President is a Hypocrite

Fox News has reported that Richard Brodhead, Duke University’s president (disclaimer: I am a Duke graduate. I do not believe that this fact has materially colored my view or analysis of the case against the 3 lacrosse players, but I wanted to disclose that. You may think differently, and if so, please call me on…