Author Archives: Mark

Is Obamacare Doomed?

After watching this morning’s arguments on the individual mandate CNN’s legal analyst Jeff Toobin – a liberal – seems to think so. I will happily take his word for it.

Fascists in the Lunch Room

So it seems that a federal “lunch inspector”, after inspecting a North Carolina pre-schooler’s lunch consisting of a turkey sandwich, apple juice, a banana, and potato chips (which by the way sounds to me like a pretty healthy lunch for a pre-schooler), informed the child that her lunch was inadequate because it did not satisfy…

Amish Milk Farmer is a Threat to the Republic

The Washington Times today reported that the FDA has prevailed in its effort to stop an Amish farmer from selling natural, or “raw”, milk, to customers across state lines. Well thank God for that. There are clearly no greater threats than Amish farmers selling a natural product to willing buyers. Thank goodness the FDA is…

Have a sammich

Nothing better than a good sandwich. From Stephan Kinsella comes this awesome ham sammich recipe – and also check out the recipe for Chicken Big Mammou that he describes in the post. I had the original on more than a few occasions, and it was all that Stephan says, and then some.

Judge Napolitano Nails It

I’m a huge fan of Judge Napolitano, and was an avid viewer if his show in Fox Business Channel. His ending message from tonight’s show – the last – is must viewing:

On the Importance of Punctuation

Courtesy of The Appellate Record:

Happy Birthday, President Reagan

Today would have been Ronald Reagan’s 101st birthday, were he alive. We miss you, Mr. President  

Bishop Lawrence Does the Right Thing

And from the Episcopal Diocese of South Carolina comes evidence that there are a few Christians and men of good will remaining in the rotting edifice that was once the Episcopal Church.

PA Supreme Court Declines to Hear Pittsburgh Church Property Case

On Monday of this week the Pennsylvania Supreme Court denied the petition for allowance of appeal filed by the former Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh (or the “breakaway” diocese, as I had called it in my earlier posts) in the Pittsburgh church property case between the disaffiliated diocese and the rump group that decided to remain…

More on Obama’s DOMA Policy Shift

There’s been a lot of commentary about the Obama Administration’s announcement yesterday that it would no longer defend the constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act. If you’re interested in the legal policy issues and implications on this, I highly recommend that you check out the various posts at the Volokh Conspiracy. There have been…