Author Archives: Mark

And the Episcopal Church world continues to turn

It seems that the poo-bah’s in the Church of What’s Happening Now Episcopal Curch are finally grappling with the big, important issues that a big, important church should address. Perusing recent posts on George Conger’s website, I came across a bit discussing the recent resignation of the President of the ECUSA House of Bishops, Bonnie Anderson…

Viva Cristo Rey!

“For Greater Glory”, starring Andy Garcia, Peter O’Toole, and Eva Longoria and due to be released in the United States in June, tells the story of the Cristero War, a counter-revolutionary uprising in 1920’s Mexico prompted by the brutal suppression of the Catholic Church by Mexico’s revolutionary government. The film has received rave reviews, and…

Would we be better off without the church?

Jennifer Fulwiler has a great post up today on her blog at the National Catholic Register in which she discusses five questions that folks ought to think about before leaving the Catholic Church. Her post, more broadly speaking, addresses a challenge to the “Christ without Christianity” folks, and those who claim to be “religious” but…

That sound you hear …

is the last nail being pounded into Mayor Tom Barrett’s coffin.

Something on which I can agree with John McCain

We Remember

On this Memorial Day, my heartfelt thanks extend to all of the brave soldiers who have sacrificed their lives for our country. Rest in Peace.  

Obamacare predictions?

We’re nearing the end of the Supreme Court term, and soon to come to come will be the much anticipated ruling on the “ObamaCare” case(s). I do not presume to posit myself as astute or learned an observer of the Court as, for example, my friends at ScotusBlog. But I’ll play the parlor game. Let’s…

Perhaps substitute “Obama” for “Carter”

“My friends, a recession is when your neighbor loses his job. A depression is when you lose yours. And a recovery is when President Carter loses his job.” –Ronald Reagan


We would do well to recall the words of Barry Goldwater:  

“If I wanted America to fail …”

This video from is must viewing: