Author Archives: Mark

Should Penn State face institutional liability in l’affaire Sandusky?

Interesting question. While my knee-jerk reaction was to side with those who are arguing for shutting the university down, burning it to the ground, and then salting the earth, the estimable Professor Bainbridge takes a different view in an interesting post today, to wit: There is an argument for imposing civil liability on corporations and…

Happy Independence Day

IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776. The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which…

An additional thought on the Episcopal Church mess

One additional point about the TEC issue. One of the things that TEC is claiming in the Fort Worth and Quincy cases, as a byproduct of its claim that TEC has a hierarchical polity, is that the “church” essentially has a unitary structure, where parishes answer to their diocese, and dioceses answer to the Fuhrer…

The peril of dissent in the Episcopal Church

I would prefer to not write about the Episcopal Church. Really, I would. I would live to leave them alone and, believe me, I would love it if they would leave me alone. But The Episcopal Church is the gif that keeps on giving. It seems that questioning the views – no matter how novel…

Philadelphia’s Misplaced Priorities

So the City of Philadelphia’s recycling Nazis police (or enforcement unit, or whatever they call themselves) recently paid me a visit. More accurately, they rummaged through my trash on pick up day looking to uncover evidence that I posed a threat to the Republic by mixing recyclables in with my ordinary trash. Evidently alerted by…

Stay cool, tomorrow, folks!

Scotus Blog Liveblog

For anyone interested in up to date info from the Supreme Court on opinion days, Scotus blog is live blogging. You can follow it here.

What did Obama know, and when did he know it?

Interesting days in Washington. The President’s men stonewalling Congress. A flimsy and ill-reasoned invocation of executive privilege. Calls for a Special Prosecutor. A movement to hold the Attorney General in contempt. If I didn’t know better, I’d think we were talking about 1974, Watergate, Nixon, Mitchell, Haldeman, et al. But e’re not. It’s 2012, and…

A final thought on the Clemens case

As you no doubt know by now, a federal jury in Washington, D.C. yesterday acquitted Roger Clemens on charges that he lied to Congress and obstructed a Congressional investigation into steroid use in Major League Baseball when he purportedly offered perjured testimony to a Congressional committee in 2007. We can set aside the question of…

The Ordinariate, the Episcopal Church, and the future

Given the shrinking numbers of the Episcopal Church and, and the news reports, almost daily, of new ordinations and the like in the American Ordinariate, I got to thinking: when will the average Sunday attendance (in my view the best barometer on a week-to-week basis of the health of a church) for Ordinariate parishes exceed…