I would prefer to not write about the Episcopal Church. Really, I would. I would live to leave them alone and, believe me, I would love it if they would leave me alone. But The Episcopal Church is the gif that keeps on giving. It seems that questioning the views – no matter how novel of the
Fuhrer Presiding Bishop, even on matters that are not doctrinal and that are not settled, is strictly forbidden.
As you likely know, the Episcopal “Church” (“TEC”) has for several years been locked in litigation with several former Episcopal dioceses that decided to leave TEC, en masse, due to the numerous and uncountable doctrinal innovations that have seeped through the “church” over the years. Two of these dioceses – Forth Worth and Quincy – are at the appellate stage of the litigation, and are vigorously contesting the notion that TEC is a “hierarchical” church, and the the dioceses cannot have any separate legal existence independent of TEC. Under the TEC view – which, in fairness, is not explicitly set forth in the canons of the church and base never been adjudicated – the dioceses would have no right to take their property with them (including financial assets), regardless of the fact that TEC does not hold title to any of the assets. In truth, TEC’s position in these cases is novel. There is no basis in the TEC canons, in statute, or in case law, that supports it.
Now it seems that several TEC bishops – many retired – have signed onto amicus briefs in the Quincy and Fort Worth cases calling out TEC’s position for what it is – a legally erroneous innovation. But Der Fuhrer the Presiding Bishop, is unhappy about that. So these Godly bishops have been brought up on unspecified charges. I wish I was surpsied. But it seems that in the Episcopal Church, you question Der Fuhrer at your peril. I can almost hear the TEC hierarchy asking, “where are your papers, citizen.”